Environmental contaminants

Environmental contaminants originating from food systems and health

Theme 2

Modes of production and food processing can also have environmental impacts that affect human health, by exposing populations to different contaminants released into the air, water and soil. These environmental impacts can affect the health of ecosystems and in turn have effects on human health through the degradation of ecosystem regulations and its consequences on modes of production, the characteristics of products, and the spread of pathogens

Generally speaking, progress must be made in understanding mechanisms and linking models and databases at three levels:  

  1. characterising the flow of contaminants (abiotic but also biotic) in different compartments (plant, animal, water, air, soil) involved in agricultural practices and food processing;
  2. the relationship between these contaminant flows and the exposure of different types of populations - farmers, residents, vulnerable populations (e.g. pregnant women) or the general population
  3. characterising and quantifying the health impacts associated with this exposure, by boosting knowledge of pathways particularly involved in environmental exposure (inhalation, cutaneous)

In this folder

The project aims to assess how dietary changes reducing exposure to chlordecone would have an impact both upstream (cropping systems) and downstream (nutritional quality and cost of the diet), up to the quantification of health impacts.

This consortium aims to create a dynamic for sharing knowledge, approaches, assessment tools and experimental devices to address the continuum of production - agronomic practices - fate and transfer of contaminants - health impacts.

The project proposes to explore how a socio-pathosystem crosses food systems ("chains" of charcuterie and filtering animals), using an integrative approach that combines a "horizontal" perspective (the pathogen between farms and the environment) and a "vertical" perspective (the pathogen in the food chain).


The project aims to evaluate the occurrence of contaminants and residues of interest accumulated in fodder and potentially ingested by animals in two innovative production systems in sheep farming in Ile de France: grazing on cereal intercropping and eco-grazing (grazing of difficult-to-access areas, roadsides/highways, grazing of city parks).

This project aims to establish a proof of concept of the interest of integrative approaches of analytical phenotyping combined with multivariate statistical tools to explore the dietary habits of mothers analysed in all their complexity and to study their impacts on the nutrient-contaminant-microbiota relationships in breast milk and consequently on the health of the child by taking into account the food systems upstream of this paradigm.

This project aims to formulate a new type of food that will guarantee low levels of toxic contaminants that form during cooking and also a supply of essential proteins and nutrients


This project aims to determine how far it is possible to increase the share of legumes (and which ones) in the French diet, and the effects this increased legume consumption might have on microbial flows.