RESTOCOBS - flagship project

Collective catering as an observatory on the transition towards lower meat consumption and its environmental, health and economic effects on actors in the food system

The aim of this project is to identify levers and obstacles to the changes in dietary behaviour suggested by the food transition scenarios proposed in the literature, and to evaluate the environmental and health impacts of such changes.

Context and challenges


Different scenarios have been advanced in the literature (e.g. Afterres 2050, IDDRI, EAT-Lancet, Agri-Monde Terra, ADEME 2050/SISAE) in order to propose changes to food systems that will enable transition towards a healthy and sustainable diet. One important scientific challenge is to assess the acceptability of the behavioural hypotheses underlying these different scenarios. A second challenge concerns, firstly, measurement of the causal effect of real changes to supply on the food choices of consumers, and secondly evaluation of the reaction of actors organising the supply of these adaptations to consumers. Once the collective acceptability of the hypotheses in these scenarios and the strategic interactions between supply and demand have been considered, it is important to evaluate the effects of changes to the system, and the food transition envisaged, in terms of environmental and health impacts. Thus a third scientific challenge is to assess the combined effects of food transition on health and the environment.

This project takes the context of university catering as an observatory on changes by different actors in the system: consumers, catering managers and producers. The analysis will focus on reducing the consumption of meat


The project aims to:

  • Assess the acceptability of food transition scenarios among actors in collective catering;
  • Update the levers and obstacles relative to food transition through the observation of actor choices and analysis of their interactions;
  • Using simulations, to characterise the effects on health and the environment of food transition according to the scenarios envisaged, their acceptability and the degree of change anticipated among different actors.

This project involves scientists from different disciplines: consumer sciences, nutrition, economics, agronomy, livestock systems and risk modelling


INRAE unités involved


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